Saturday, October 2, 2010

Criteria for Accepting or Rejecting Claims

We suspend the judgment about a claim when we need to investigate more the figure out if the claim is true. There are many was of accepting to rejecting these claims. Personal experience is a way because everyone has experienced many stuff in life that others have not but if you are sure that it has happened or is happening then you can accept the claim or vice versa. For this to be true we must not doubt our memory at all. We can accept a claim when it comes from a reliable source who has authority and their main point is not to mislead. W can also accept a claim from a reference source and media, like the news channel, that are usually reliable. As most people know we can reject an argument if other arguments contradict with it. It is hard to reject and accept claims especially when not much contradiction is occurring and it is all believable. These steps will just help to make everything easier.

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