Saturday, September 4, 2010


Attributing something is to think of something as caused by a specific circumstance or reason. Attributions are made when you try to explain why someone did or is doing something. The more you observe someone, the more you get to know them and that is when you start to think more about their behaviors. Making attributions is different than assuming because when attributing understanding of the individual is essential. Attributing can make a person better at communicating because they do not just think about superficial things like someone being late. They understand that many things can go wrong which can cause someone to be late. In a group setting it can be very useful because you can help out people when help is needed and perceive what someone else might be thinking. I have a really close friend and it seems as if we can read each others minds. This is because we have many similar ideas but also because we both make many attributions about each other because we hang out a lot.

~Reina Trillo

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