Saturday, September 4, 2010

Subjective and objective claims

A subjective claim is subjective based if a person or group is able to think or feel that the claim may be true or not. To keep it simple a claim is objective if it is not a personal because it is not based on anyones opinion of it being true or not. Weather is misty always subjective because someone might think it is pretty cold outside but someone else might think that it is only a bit chilly.
Someone recently asked me how short I was. I said I am five feet and an inch tall, which is considered to be objective. Then they responded by saying "You are very short." That claim is subjective because that is what they feel about my height. The statement of how tall I am is objective because it does not rely on anyone believing it is true or false. When they said I was short it was their own opinion because I do not consider myself to be very short. The word they used to describe my height is vague and can be thought about in many different ways.

~Reina Trillo

1 comment:

  1. I can relate because my height is five feet and once inches as well. I only got responses talking about my "shortness." Anyways, I agree that five feet and one inches is not very short. Both of us have probably seen shorter. Others may disagree but like you said, it's their subjective claim, their opinion. It is the same with weather. Some people can actually stand cold weather (and like it as well) while others may feel they can't take it. I remember my cousin from the Philippines (it's always hot there) came to San Jose during the end of fall and said it was really cold. Everyone (the ones that live in America) said they didn't feel that cold. I like your examples because I can really relate to them. :)

    - Pink Bean
