Friday, September 10, 2010


I believe that in order for a group to accomplish a goal or what they have to do successfully, a good leader should be in charge. There are different types of leadership which have their own ups and downs. They are authoritarian, consultative, participative, and laissez-faire, which are listed in the Group Communication book. Authoritarian leaders makes decision without any input on what the members of the group have to say. Consultative leaders focus on the opinions of the other group members but make the decision on their own. Participative leaders work together with their group to make decisions and solve problems. Laissez-faire form of leadership on the other hand seems less effective because there is no form of communicating what needs to be done without anyone telling them what should be done. 
I have always been told to be a leader never a follower but not everyone can be a leader at the same time. It is a good idea to know how a leader should think so people can give their own input on how a group should be run and help out so not all the responsibilities become the leaders. This is all very important because I work and the main point of my job is to be a leader. I have to manage everything that is around me and all the employees. While giving everyone their breaks and setting a good example of what they should be doing. By the way, I work as a shift manager at McDonald's. It is not a dream job at all but at least I'm making money.  I have also noticed that once someone sets up their form of leadership it is very hard to change and I have noticed that with other managers I have worked with.

1 comment:

  1. I too believe that in order for a group to be accomplished, they should choose a good leader. But, I feel that everyone should be involved equally so that everybody has a say. That’s why I feel that participative leadership works best for me, especially in a group for school. This way everyone can pull their weight equally. Your example however, made me reconsider because not everyone is made to be a leader. Some traits for a leader is someone who can get everyone involved, gather input, and set good examples. Leaders such as yourself have their own style that they incorporate in their line of work to manage effectively. Keep doing what you’re doing and great post!
